Omkara Handrolled Masala Agarbatti, also known as handmade incense sticks, are crafted using a combination of natural ingredients to create a fragrant and spiritually significant product. Here’s some information related to handrolled Masala Agarbatti. Typically bamboo sticks are used as the core, onto which the masala mixture is rolled. The term “masala” refers to a blend of aromatic and medicinal herbs, spices, resins, and natural oils. Common ingredients include sandalwood, agarwood (oud), cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and various other botanicals.
Prarthana Handrolled Premium Masala Agarbatti
Daily Poojan Rituals, Relaxation & Meditation are part of our ideal life. Perfect prayer gives deep dive into within. Surbhika’s Prarthana Handmade Masala Agarbatti are crafted with natural forest herbs used with panchagavya and essential oils. Daily usage protects from harmful germs and improves air quality as its has Base of panchgavya – so its charcoal free and heals lung. Perfect Dhoop product for home, offices, show rooms for fresh feelings.
Sukhad Handmade Premium Masala Incense Stick
Sukhad (Sandalwood) Handrolled Masala Agarbatti, also known as handmade incense sticks, are crafted using a combination of natural ingredients to create a fragrant and spiritually significant product. Here’s some information related to handrolled Masala Agarbatti. The term “masala” refers to a blend of aromatic and medicinal herbs, spices, resins, and natural oils. Common ingredients include sandalwood, agarwood (oud), cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and various other botanicals gives premium aroma. Ideal for Daily rituals, meditation, yoga.